Background + Hypothesis
The Growth team will be adding a prompt allowing users to ask for help when they are in the context of editing an article, with the hypothesis that:
(A) Users are more likely to seek help when presented with an easy way to submit their questions; and
(B) Users are more likely to successfully complete an edit by knowing where to seek help.
User job story
When I am editing an article and am unsure about how to proceed...
...I want to get help while I am doing the editing task... that I can confidently complete the edit.
Prep tasks
- T206713: Help panel: comparative review of in-context questioning
- T206714: Help panel: Review similar past projects (MoodBar, Article Feedback Tool) & summarize relevant learnings for in-context help design
Proposed design
- v1:
- Later:
T210112 - Conduct user testing of initial in-context help UI designs
T210213 - Create copy document for the in-context help UI copy to be reviewed and ready for translation on TWN
Notes from previous conversations with the team around design.
- At first, we only need to design the desktop experience. We will roll out a mobile experience after looking at the initial results from desktop.
- How prominent should the call to action be, and where on the page should it be located?
- How should the call to action be different (if at all) between the visual and wikitext editor experiences?
- After clicking on the new feature, what options should the user be presented with?
- Should the user be directed to the help desk, or should they be allowed to type and submit their question right from the editing experience?
- What should the exact language be inside the feature?
- Can a user dismiss this feature for good?
Relevant links
- T197190 - translations of top new users questions on CS and KO Help Desk