Blocked on T258073
The error tracking we have for is great, but it doesn't represent the majority of our users. Looking at WebClientError counting most of our errors are occurring on English or Japanese Wikipedia
A high profile iOS error is going unaccounted for but not showing up in's error logs. In, 3.1k of the 43.3kb total errors are iOS (7%).
On Catalan however, 17.5% of errors come from iOS: (50.6k iOS errors per day, 290.8kb errors per day)
KM Wikipedia looks like a good choice. 22% of errors came from iOS and it sees less errors than (6.9k of 31.1k in a day)
We will be enabling error tracking on Catalan Wikipedia. Once that's done analyze the data coming in and make tasks for potential sources of the bug.
My understanding is this would require pushing errors to : WMEClientErrorIntakeURL
Based on turnilo iOS errors and error totals
- If any of the wikis mentioned on T249297 can be considered, that would be helpful for Desktop Improvements and Vue.js search.
- Example config patch