We need to create the visited red link color #a55858 as token since we need to use it to create the Red link in T313507
During our DST design sync on 2022-08-04 we decided to use the following tokens for Links:
- Blue link will use the color-progressive tokens
- Red links won't use color-destructive tokens since these tokens were created for destructive elements. We will create the red link colors as component tokens instead. We won't create decision tokens for Red links. As #a55858 will be used for visited red link we need to create it as option token to create then the component token.
Figma file
Acceptance criteria (or Done)
- Add #a55858 as option token in our colors
- Create the visited color in the Figma components library (we won't add it in the Design Tokens library)
- Create #a55858 as:
- Option token
- Once the option token is created we will use it as component token to use it for visited red links