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Mobile site does not automatically redirect to desktop version (and not possible to use browser "use desktop view")
Open, MediumPublic

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Dec 13 2013, 12:10 AM
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"Like" token, awarded by Iniquity."Burninate" token, awarded by Capankajsmilyo."Love" token, awarded by jhsoby."Burninate" token, awarded by Krenair.


This is something I could have sworn was reported previously, but I cannot find the bug for it.

Going to from a desktop browser stays on the mobile site rather than redirecting back to the desktop version. This makes it extraordinarily inconvenient when somebody shares a mobile link and a desktop user follows it.

This also breaks the functionality in Google Chrome Mobile where you can check "Request desktop version".

Developer notes

Right now, Varnish checks whether user agent is mobile and then redirects to the mobile domain. We'd need to do something in the opposite direction.
This requires adding Varnish redirection to every mobile page view.
Varnish would need to run the same regular expression we use to detect mobile on the user agent on urls coming into the mobile domain and negate the result.
Not sure how practical this is and whether a performance issue since it would impact all page views.
Not been prioritised so haven't investigated.

Many people intentionally use the mobile site so we'd need to consider those users.

The mobile redirect code is here:

It seems "request desktop site" doesn't set any headers - all it does it set the user agent to a desktop user agent, so we can't explicitly distinguish users who have clicked "request desktop site" and users who want to to view mobile domain on desktop :-(



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 2:18 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz58425.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

bingle-admin wrote:

Prioritization and scheduling of this bug is tracked on Mingle card

This is intended behavior - if you've accidentally ended up on mobile site, there's always a link back to desktop. However, mobile site is not restricted to mobile devices and there are even some people who prefer to use it from their PCs.

  • Bug 49653 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

(In reply to comment #2)

However, mobile site is not restricted
to mobile devices and there are even some people who prefer to use it from
their PCs.

I would think there are far more people who hate clicking links on sites like Reddit only to realise it's a mobile link.

Florian triaged this task as Medium priority.
Florian subscribed.

Task T59127: user pref to bypass mobile redirection doesn't seem to be a duplicate of this task, and having in mind, that some users (e.g.;TicketID=9112721#) still would love to get this feature, I'll reopen this task.

Aklapper lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Dec 24 2016, 1:27 PM

We should reconsider this task. Now Minerva is a separate skin and can be used without a mobile domain.

Jdlrobson added a project: User-Jdlrobson.

The fact that we don't honor "Request desktop domain" requests annoys me. I think there is something we can do to check headers. I'll have an investigate.

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Mobile site does not automatically redirect to desktop version to Mobile site does not automatically redirect to desktop version (and not possible to use browser "use desktop view").Nov 5 2018, 3:38 PM
Jdlrobson raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.
Jdlrobson added a project: Puppet.
Jdlrobson added subscribers: Capankajsmilyo, xSavitar.

This is intended behavior - if you've accidentally ended up on mobile site, there's always a link back to desktop. However, mobile site is not restricted to mobile devices and there are even some people who prefer to use it from their PCs.

Why do you think there are people who prefer to use the mobile site on their PCs? I can't seem to find any information on desktop users preferring to use the mobile site.

There's already a mobile redirect code, with a cookie check for people who never want to be redirected to the mobile version (stopMobileRedirect, set when we click on the Desktop version link at the bottom).

So it seems easy to also do the opposite when the mobile redirect code doesn't match and the current version is the mobile version. A cookie would also be checked (stopDesktopRedirect) and set when we click on the Mobile version link at the bottom of the page.

In my view, that hares magically turn into the river (Opera, iOS 15, redirectsèvre -èvre,Зайцы -Зайцы and etc), this is not very good. For example, in Firefox requests correct.

Many readers and editors are having problems with redirecting to desktop version. Some of them even tried to cut "m." every time (

(Update )The "Request desktop site" feature is a little misleading. In browsers it sets a desktop user agent, which is designed to change the viewport setting for a page and make a responsive page un-responsive. It is not designed for switching from a mobile to desktop domain.

I think this ticket should be merged into T214998 ( to avoid fragmenting the conversation) or marked as invalid, as it's based on the assumption that the browser feature is not working and it's simple to fix, when that's far from the truth.

I see it was voted on in the wishlist so please see T214998#4929700 onwards for making progress towards potential solutions.