In T269657: Add a link: edit summary and publish, we specified that pages for which the user has added links should be automatically added to their watchlist, and that the edit summary dialog should not contain any option to change it. As users become more experienced (or as experienced users try out the feature), they may want to keep these pages off their watchlist. This task is for considering how we might do that. Some potential paths include:
- Including some advanced options in the edit summary, in which the user can check something like, "Do not add these to my watchlist."
- Automatically respect the settings the user has in their preferences of whether or not they want the "Add to my watchlist" box checked for their edits in general.
Pending prioritisation, the proposed design is to add the watchlist option (defaulted to add to watchlist) below the CC text on both the structured tasks.
Figma spec (for Add image) here:[Growth]?node-id=3018%3A9307
Checkbox state
The default state of the "Watch this page" checkbox should follow the watchdefault preference. That is, if the user has watchdefault enabled, the checkbox should be checked. Until T38316: Set "Add pages I edit to my watchlist" and "Add pages I create to my watchlist" to true by default on Wikimedia wikis (only for new users) is implemented, in some projects the checkbox would be off by default.