This task collects the final, approved interface text for the ERI RC page changes. This is the most updated and authoritative source. Use this for coding and all QA.
Filter Names and Descriptions (for the dropdown menu, etc.)
Contribution quality predictions What's this?
Very likely good
Highly accurate at finding almost all problem-free edits.
May have problems
Finds most flawed or damaging edits but with lower accuracy.
Likely have problems
Finds half of flawed or damaging edits with medium accuracy.
Very likely have problems
Highly accurate at finding the most obvious 10% of flawed or damaging edits.
User intent predictions What's this?
Very likely good faith
Highly accurate at finding almost all good-faith edits.
May be bad faith
Finds most bad-faith edits but with a lower accuracy.
Likely bad faith
With medium accuracy, finds the most obvious obvious 25% of bad-faith edits.
User registration
Logged-in editors.
Editors who aren’t logged in.
Experience level (for registered users only)
Fewer than 10 edits and 4 days of activity.
More days of activity and edits than “Newcomers” but fewer than “Experienced users.”
Experienced users
More than 30 days of activity and 500 edits.
Contribution authorship
Changes by you
Your own contributions.
Changes by others
All changes except your own.
Automated contributions
Edits made by automated tools.
Human (not bot)
Edits made by human editors.
Review status
Edits marked as patrolled.
Edits not marked as patrolled.
Minor edits
Edits the author labeled as minor.
Non-minor edits
Edits not labeled as minor.
Type of change
Page edits
Edits to wiki content, discussions, category descriptions....
Page creations
Edits that make new pages.
Category changes
Records of pages being added or removed from categories.
Wikidata edits
Edits that originate in Wikidata.
Logged actions
Administrative actions, account creations, page deletions, uploads....
Tooltip texts: Dropdown Menu
[rollover for Highlight menus]
Select a color to highlight this property.
Tooltip texts: Active Filter Display Area
==='No-effect' tooltips===
[rollover for tags when ALL filters in the same full-coverage group are selected]
Selecting all filters in a group is the same as selecting none, so this filter has no effect. Group includes: ["Filtername a”[, “Filtername b” and “Filtername c"]
[rollover for tags when selecting redundant ORES filters]
This filter has no effect because its results are included with those of the following, broader filters (try highlighting to distinguish it): “Filtername a”[, "Filtername b"]
===Experience vs. Registered/Unregistered tooltips===
[rollover for all Experience filter tags when the user has selected an Experience filter and the Unregistered filter (but not the Registered filter)]
Experience filters find only registered users, so this filter conflicts with the “Unregistered” filter.
[rollover for the Unregistered filter tag when the user has selected an Experience filter and the Unregistered filter (but not the Registered filter)]
This filter conflicts with the following Experience filter[s], which find[s] only registered users: “Filtername a” [, “Filtername b”, “Filtername c"]
===Logged Actions or Wikidata vs. ORES tooltips===
[Wikidata will be removed from this heading after T158025: Support ORES for propagated Wikidata edits is fixed]
[rollover for Logged Actions filter in conflict with an ORES filter]
This filter conflicts with one or more Contribution Quality or User Intent filters. Quality and Intent predictions are not available for logged actions.
[rollover for Wikidata Edits filter in conflict with an ORES filter]
This filter conflicts with one or more Contribution Quality or User Intent filters. Quality and Intent predictions are not available for Wikidata edits.
[rollover for an ORES Quality filter in conflict with Logged Actions or Wikidata edits]
Contribution Quality predictions are not available for certain types of change, so this filter conflicts with the following Type of Change filters: "Filtername a"[, "Filtername b", "Filtername c"]
[rollover for an ORES Intent filter in conflict with Logged Actions or Wikidata edits]
User Intent predictions are not available for certain types of change, so this filter conflicts with the following Type of Change filters: "Filtername a"[, "Filtername b", "Filtername c"]
Minor Edits vs. Logged Actions, Category Changes or Page Creations
**[rollover for Logged Actions, Category Changes or Page Creations filter in conflict with Minor Edits]**
This Type of Change filter conflicts with the “Minor Edits” filter. Certain types of change cannot be designated as “minor.”
**[rollover for Minor edits in conflict with Logged Actions, Category Changes or Page Creations filter]**
Certain types of change cannot be designated as “minor,” so this filter conflicts with the following Type of Change filters: "Filtername a"[, "Filtername b", "Filtername c", "Filtername d"]
===Non-Minor Edits vs. Wikidata
**[rollover for Wikidata filter AND the Non-Minor Edits filter when they are in conflict] **
On the Recent Changes page (only), all Wikidata edits are designated as “minor.” So the “Wikidata edits” filter conflicts with the “Non-minor edits” filter.
=Results Area Conflict Messages [as per T156427]
[Experience vs. Unregistered message]
No results found because the search criteria are in conflict
The “Unregistered” filter is conflicting with one or more Experience filters, which find registered users only. The conflicting filters are marked in the Active Filters area, above.
[Logged Actions vs. any ORES filter message]
No results found because the search criteria are in conflict
The “Logged actions” filter is conflicting with one or more Contribution Quality or User Intent filters. Quality and Intent predictions are not available for logged actions. The conflicting filters are marked in the Active Filters area, above.
[Wikidata Edits vs. any ORES filter message]
[This Wikidata bug will be unnecessary after T158025: Support ORES for propagated Wikidata edits is fixed]
**No results found because the search criteria are in conflict**
The “Wikidata” filter is conflicting with one or more Contribution Quality or User Intent filters. Quality and Intent predictions are not available for Wikidata edits. The conflicting filters are marked in the Active Filters area, above.
===[Minor Edits vs. Logged Actions, Category Changes, Page Creations or Wikidata ]
**No results found because the search criteria are in conflict**
The “Minor edits” filter is conflicting with one or more Type of Change filters, because certain types of change cannot be designated as “minor.” The conflicting filters are marked in the Active Filters area, above.
===[Non-Minor Edits vs. Wikidata]
**No results found because the search criteria are in conflict**
On the Recent Changes page (only), all Wikidata edits are designated as “minor.” So the “Wikidata edits” filter conflicts with the “Non-minor edits” filter.
=Popup help texts (from ‘What’s This?’ links)=
===About Contribution Quality Predictions===
These predictions are made by a machine-learning service trained on a large set of edits scored by human editors. Stricter, more accurate filters find fewer false positives but miss more of their target. Less accurate filters find more of their target, but they also find more false positives.
[[ | Learn more ]]
===About User Intent Predictions===
These predictions about users' good faith are made by a machine-learning service trained on a large set of edits scored by human editors. Stricter, more accurate filters find fewer false positives but miss more of their target. Less accurate filters find more of their target, but they also find more false positives.
[[ | Learn more ]]
=Beta preferences opt-in text=
[ORES Wikis]
New filters for edit review
Review edits on Recent Changes using an easier and more powerful interface and many new tools, including predictive filters powered by ORES, a machine-learning program.
[Non-ORES Wiki]s
New filters for edit review
Review edits on Recent Changes using an easier and more powerful interface. Includes new filters, user-defined highlighting and other improvements.