This task is about implementing a new experience for your own, not-yet-created, user talk page.
User stories
Understanding the purpose of your user talk page
- As a Junior Contributor who has clicked a link to my own user talk page that not-yet-been-created, I want to understand the purpose of the page [i] I am now viewing, so that I can decide whether I should engage with the page more deeply or leave/go somewhere else.
Initiating a conversation
- As a Junior Contributor who has clicked a link to my own user talk page that not-yet-been-created and who has a question they would like to ask/a topic they want to discuss with others, I want to know there are better places to start a conversation about said question/topic than on my own user talk page, so that I can increase the likelihood another person will respond with helpful information.
- As a Junior Contributor who has just published a question/thought to my own user talk page for the first time, I want to know that it is unlikely for other people to see what I just published, so that I am not surprised when I do not hear back from someone else.
This section contains the UI copy
- Title: Welcome to your discussion/talk* page
- *Whichever word the particular project uses.
- Body: People on Wikipedia can use this page to post a public message for you and you will be notified when they do. [[en:wp:User_pages|Learn more about this page]]**.
- **This link should link to the local project's equivalent page:
What the user (Snoopy) sees | What everyone else sees | Content input | Success messages |
What (user) sees:
What all other contributors see:
- In all cases (T274831, T277329, and T274832) talk pages that have not-yet-been-created should continue to appear as red in the same way(s) and places they currently do.
- The empty state the person viewing their *own* user talk page sees should be different from the empty state everyone else will see when viewing that same page. The key difference between these two versions of the empty states in this case are:
- The empty state someone viewing their *own* user talk page will see will:
- NOT contain a call to action.
- Contain copy that is different from the version everyone else will see.
- The empty state someone viewing their *own* user talk page will see will:
Minimum test case
- Wiki: Beta Cluster
- Platform: Desktop
- Create a new account on the Beta Cluster
- Ensure the Quick topic adding setting is enabled (the empty state design should NOT appear if you do not have the New Discussion Tool enabled)
- Visit your newly created account's user talk page
- ✅Notice the following appears on your not-yet-created user talk page:
Open questions
- What – if any – reason(s) might there be for the empty state design to encourage people to "create" their own user talk page?
- For this first iteration, the design will not emphasize any call to action.
- Is it technically feasible for someone who is logged in as Tom to see a version of the not-yet-created User talk: Tom that is different from the version someone who is NOT logged in as Tom will see ?
- yes
- Designs for mobile and desktop that fulfill the stories defined above are posted to the Mockups section.
i. Purpose of the page: the space where other volunteers will communicate with "me" about the edits "I" have made and/or may consider making to the wiki.