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Plan for november meeting with Göteborgs museer
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Start of this collaboration that will start this year. First meeting 17 November between 13:00–17:00. The education on Wikimedia platforms will be next year (2021).

Event Timeline

Hermann changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Nov 2 2020, 1:18 PM
Hermann claimed this task.
Hermann triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.
Hermann set Due Date to Nov 1 2020, 12:00 AM.
Hermann removed a subscriber: Tore_Danielsson_WMSE.
Hermann added subtasks: T267020: I can't login to Monumental, T266907: AbuseFilter should provide error/warning messages in an API-friendly plaintext format, T266908: SelectiveSerializer::wrapTextChildrenOfNode probably only needs to wrap first/last children, T266910: Outreachy’21 Proposal: Analyze ‘need help’ requests from Wiki Education Dashboard, T266911: Disable cirrus sanitizer job, T266913: Add a link engineering: create tables in Wikimedia production, T266914: Deep-linking issues from other apps [ Tik tok ], T266915: "Unable to query nbdime API" error, T266916: Proposal: Review and improve Lua documentation on meta and mediawiki, T266918: Better i18n message in board section on user profiles when the current user is blocked and cannot send out board messages, T266921: Clicking on done when "Title" is empty bugs, T266923: Outreachy 21 - Proposal (Evaluate Microsoft Playwright as replacement for our browser automation), T266924: [Outreachy 2020-2021 Proposal] Evaluate Microsoft Playwright as replacement for our browser automation, T266925: Append wgNamespaceAliases for Chinese Wikinews, T266926: PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$body, T266927: redis.log spammed with "worthRefreshPopular(1604102439.6853, 60, 900, 1604104011.4142): p = 0.0012121212121212; refresh = N", T266928: TARB: url conflict with title-link generate red error, T266929: TARB: Roman numerals , T266930: TARB: missing url field, T266931: TARB: missed books with ISBN match, T266932: TARB: Holocaust Memorial Museum [enwiki], T266933: Enable RelatedArticles Extension in zhwikinews, T266934: [Outreachy - 2020/2021 Proposal] Evaluate Microsoft Playwright as replacement for our browser automation, T266935: Regression: Loginmanager does not make proper use of password parameter, T266936: Language and lexical category fields turn red on unfocus when no changes are made, T267019: Alert design guidelines for teams are produced, T267018: LibreNMS sends its alerts to Alertmanager, resulting in email notifications to network operations, T267017: Grafana sends its alerts to Alertmanager, resulting in email notifications routed to the appropriate teams, T267015: Normalise IP address when checking if IP address in response matches, T267014: Add Libris URI to items with only Edition ID / SELIBR, T267013: How to replace deprecated User::getTokenFromOption for the watchlisttoken?, T267012: Add ripple effect to SE feed cards on Explore in Black theme, T267011: Analyze results of A/B test for new search location, T267010: Create BouncingDots loader ~~mixin~~ component, T267009: Add caching for maxmind functions used on cluster, T267008: Improve webrequest-refine shuffle-sort, T267007: 🐛 Bug | Supress errbit error '[Cannot read property..] from local file', T267006: Puppet failures on many hosts, T267005: Search on mobile sometimes pick up too early first visual change, T267004: Mötesplats OER meeting, T267002: Rename swift.discovery.wmnet to ms-fe.discovery.wmnet, T267001: Compute page properties information at munge time, T267000: Performance issues on, T266999: Special:EntityData RDF Dump should output the values for page properties that are relevant to the revision being requested, T266998: Avoid third party resources from * websites, T266997: Move solve_disambiguation.DisambiguationRobot to specialbots, T266996: Summarize meeting notes and formulate next steps, T266995: Give Trey jones access necessary to support Search Platform Airflow jobs, T266994: Fix moderation of membership application, T266993: Some local Search script on English Wikipedia not loading ("TypeError: Cannot read property 'showPortlet' of undefined"), T266992: Give presentation to staff at UR, T267003: Agenda for strategy process meeting, T266991: Translate characterEditStats.php script uses Revision::getQueryInfo, T266990: After book edition import: cleanup, T266989: APISite.exturlusage() method fails for default parameters, T266988: eqiad: Spare Drive Onsite for db1091, T266986: The metrics of the streaming-updater-consumer should be visible in grafana, T266985: asoranking failed its monthly run stat1007, T266984: Pywikibot Download Statistic, T266983: Remove the unnoticeable metadataPanel slide-in animation, T266982: Newcomer tasks: productivity on non-suggested edits, T266981: Documentation of $wgRightsText does not match code , T266980: BaseTemplate does not unset 'copyright' footer array properly, T266979: Research how to inject LinkRendererFactory into abstract SpecialPage, T266978: Research how to inject PermissionManager into abstract SpecialPage, T266977: Transition Gruntfile.js tasks to NPM scripts (MediaViewer), T266975: Search suggestions are requested to the server on every key press, causing an unreasonable load on the server, T266974: not available in Finnish, T266973: [DataTable2] Fix several string issues in the DataTable2 extension, T266971: "Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server" (HTTP 404/403) and similar errors (catalog), T266970: VisualEditor in 1.36-alpha with zeroconfig Parsoid throws 'Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 404)', T266937: Tabbing through fields when editing lemmas should go to the language and lexical category before publish and cancel, T266938: Interface should always have at least one spelling variant when editing lemmas, T266939: no user logged in in SiteWatchlistRevsTestCase, T266940: Mandarin Chinese regional language variants in Wikidata labels, Babel, and ULS., T266941: Dedicated section for Wikilambda special pages, T266943: "Launch in Binder" button for public PAWS notebooks, T266945: Request to add Mix'n'Match to AutoEdits, T266946: VE component is not hidden and blocks user, T266944: AbuseFilterNotificationsPrivate: Enable notifications for private filters on es.wikipedia, T266947: translation tools disappear after saving translation, T266948: Allow users to trigger re-syncing of live and public versions of a PAWS notebook, T266949: Provide a mechanism to search public notebooks, T266951: VisualEditor reload on save causes FlaggedRevs changes to seemingly get lost for anonymous users, T266952: Documentation missing for "You need read permission to use this module", T266953: Deploy InternetArchiveBot on the Uzbek Wikipedia (uzwiki), T266954: CW#559: Force separator between ref tags, T266955: Malayalam Font not rendering correctly in Wikidata (due to several ways to enter a Chillu character), T266958: Update APISite.linktrail() to convert the remaining regex pattern, T266959: Check PSI-data, T266960: investigate sharing of query builder queries via URL [timebox: 4h], T266969: Should emails sent via OAuth be identified as such?, T266968: wgAction = edit with source editor if url parameter action=edit is passed (redlinks), T266966: API broken for all calls: "Undefined index: PHID-PROJ-277qef67dlcfi5e7rhzm", T266967: iPad app can’t expand main article image when it is a map, T266965: In Firefox, "Ticket #" field is not clickable, T266963: Archive/delete tool rubinbot/rubinbot2/rubinbot3, T266964: Appveyor fails installing Python 3.5.0, T266961: Litteraturbanken second batch: texts without epub, T266962: Upload data about books from svwp based on Libris no..Nov 2 2020, 1:21 PM
DannyS712 changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Nov 2 2020, 1:25 PM
DannyS712 removed Hermann as the assignee of this task.
DannyS712 lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to Needs Triage.
DannyS712 removed subtasks: T266976: Please reset 2FA for my account., T266956: Make warning and disallow messages configurable for global filters, T266957: Emulated mobile phone tests stopped running on WebPageReplay 31-10-2020, T266950: Wikisource Source Edit page loads differently in Chrome on Ubuntu, T266919: Nutshell, T266920: Wikibase-Docker does not find images uploaded with WikibaseLocalMedia extension, T266922: Use new WMF Gerrit logo for GerritBot phab account, T266962: Upload data about books from svwp based on Libris no., T266961: Litteraturbanken second batch: texts without epub, T266964: Appveyor fails installing Python 3.5.0, T266963: Archive/delete tool rubinbot/rubinbot2/rubinbot3, T266965: In Firefox, "Ticket #" field is not clickable, T266967: iPad app can’t expand main article image when it is a map, T266966: API broken for all calls: "Undefined index: PHID-PROJ-277qef67dlcfi5e7rhzm", T266968: wgAction = edit with source editor if url parameter action=edit is passed (redlinks), T266969: Should emails sent via OAuth be identified as such?, T266960: investigate sharing of query builder queries via URL [timebox: 4h], T266959: Check PSI-data, T266958: Update APISite.linktrail() to convert the remaining regex pattern, T266955: Malayalam Font not rendering correctly in Wikidata (due to several ways to enter a Chillu character), T266954: CW#559: Force separator between ref tags, T266953: Deploy InternetArchiveBot on the Uzbek Wikipedia (uzwiki), T266952: Documentation missing for "You need read permission to use this module", T266951: VisualEditor reload on save causes FlaggedRevs changes to seemingly get lost for anonymous users, T266949: Provide a mechanism to search public notebooks, T266948: Allow users to trigger re-syncing of live and public versions of a PAWS notebook, T266947: translation tools disappear after saving translation, T266944: AbuseFilterNotificationsPrivate: Enable notifications for private filters on es.wikipedia, T266946: VE component is not hidden and blocks user, T266945: Request to add Mix'n'Match to AutoEdits, T266943: "Launch in Binder" button for public PAWS notebooks, T266941: Dedicated section for Wikilambda special pages, T266940: Mandarin Chinese regional language variants in Wikidata labels, Babel, and ULS., T266939: no user logged in in SiteWatchlistRevsTestCase, T266938: Interface should always have at least one spelling variant when editing lemmas, T266937: Tabbing through fields when editing lemmas should go to the language and lexical category before publish and cancel, T266970: VisualEditor in 1.36-alpha with zeroconfig Parsoid throws 'Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 404)', T266971: "Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server" (HTTP 404/403) and similar errors (catalog), T266973: [DataTable2] Fix several string issues in the DataTable2 extension, T266974: not available in Finnish, T266975: Search suggestions are requested to the server on every key press, causing an unreasonable load on the server, T266977: Transition Gruntfile.js tasks to NPM scripts (MediaViewer), T266978: Research how to inject PermissionManager into abstract SpecialPage, T266979: Research how to inject LinkRendererFactory into abstract SpecialPage, T266980: BaseTemplate does not unset 'copyright' footer array properly, T266981: Documentation of $wgRightsText does not match code , T266982: Newcomer tasks: productivity on non-suggested edits, T266983: Remove the unnoticeable metadataPanel slide-in animation, T266984: Pywikibot Download Statistic, T266986: The metrics of the streaming-updater-consumer should be visible in grafana, T266988: eqiad: Spare Drive Onsite for db1091, T266989: APISite.exturlusage() method fails for default parameters, T266990: After book edition import: cleanup, T266991: Translate characterEditStats.php script uses Revision::getQueryInfo, T267003: Agenda for strategy process meeting, T266992: Give presentation to staff at UR, T266993: Some local Search script on English Wikipedia not loading ("TypeError: Cannot read property 'showPortlet' of undefined"), T266994: Fix moderation of membership application, T266995: Give Trey jones access necessary to support Search Platform Airflow jobs, T266996: Summarize meeting notes and formulate next steps, T266997: Move solve_disambiguation.DisambiguationRobot to specialbots, T266999: Special:EntityData RDF Dump should output the values for page properties that are relevant to the revision being requested, T267000: Performance issues on, T267001: Compute page properties information at munge time, T267002: Rename swift.discovery.wmnet to ms-fe.discovery.wmnet, T267004: Mötesplats OER meeting, T267005: Search on mobile sometimes pick up too early first visual change, T267006: Puppet failures on many hosts, T267007: 🐛 Bug | Supress errbit error '[Cannot read property..] from local file', T267008: Improve webrequest-refine shuffle-sort, T267009: Add caching for maxmind functions used on cluster, T267010: Create BouncingDots loader ~~mixin~~ component, T267011: Analyze results of A/B test for new search location, T267012: Add ripple effect to SE feed cards on Explore in Black theme, T267013: How to replace deprecated User::getTokenFromOption for the watchlisttoken?, T267014: Add Libris URI to items with only Edition ID / SELIBR, T267015: Normalise IP address when checking if IP address in response matches, T267017: Grafana sends its alerts to Alertmanager, resulting in email notifications routed to the appropriate teams, T267018: LibreNMS sends its alerts to Alertmanager, resulting in email notifications to network operations, T267019: Alert design guidelines for teams are produced, T266936: Language and lexical category fields turn red on unfocus when no changes are made, T266935: Regression: Loginmanager does not make proper use of password parameter, T266934: [Outreachy - 2020/2021 Proposal] Evaluate Microsoft Playwright as replacement for our browser automation, T266933: Enable RelatedArticles Extension in zhwikinews, T266932: TARB: Holocaust Memorial Museum [enwiki], T266931: TARB: missed books with ISBN match, T266930: TARB: missing url field, T266929: TARB: Roman numerals , T266928: TARB: url conflict with title-link generate red error, T266927: redis.log spammed with "worthRefreshPopular(1604102439.6853, 60, 900, 1604104011.4142): p = 0.0012121212121212; refresh = N", T266926: PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$body, T266925: Append wgNamespaceAliases for Chinese Wikinews, T266924: [Outreachy 2020-2021 Proposal] Evaluate Microsoft Playwright as replacement for our browser automation, T266923: Outreachy 21 - Proposal (Evaluate Microsoft Playwright as replacement for our browser automation), T266921: Clicking on done when "Title" is empty bugs, T266918: Better i18n message in board section on user profiles when the current user is blocked and cannot send out board messages, T266916: Proposal: Review and improve Lua documentation on meta and mediawiki, T266915: "Unable to query nbdime API" error, T266914: Deep-linking issues from other apps [ Tik tok ], T266913: Add a link engineering: create tables in Wikimedia production, T266911: Disable cirrus sanitizer job, T266910: Outreachy’21 Proposal: Analyze ‘need help’ requests from Wiki Education Dashboard, T266908: SelectiveSerializer::wrapTextChildrenOfNode probably only needs to wrap first/last children, T266907: AbuseFilter should provide error/warning messages in an API-friendly plaintext format, T267020: I can't login to Monumental.
DannyS712 removed Due Date.
DannyS712 edited subscribers, added: Tore_Danielsson_WMSE; removed: Hermann.

The meeting will be held at 17 November at 13:00–16:00. New task for this meeting T267127

Jopparn claimed this task.