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Tables have incorrect/unreadable appearance in dark mode because of explicit background-color.
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This can be somewhat of a tracking task for instances of articles that have a table that looks weird or unreadable in dark mode.

The vast majority of these cases are due to an explicit background-color attribute being specified in the table cells (either in the template that generates the table, or in the actual element tag). The problem is that we can't blindly override background colors of tables or other elements, because in a large number of cases the color actually matters, and must not be overridden.

One possible long-term solution would be to empower and encourage wiki editors to no longer specify hard-coded background colors in tables where they're not necessary. Whenever hard-coded backgrounds are observed, communicate with the editors of that template or table, and ask whether the background can be removed, or at least modified to be readable in both light and dark themes.
Until then, we're limited to overriding just a subset of possible cases of background colors, and certain edge cases will be bound to slip through.

A few example articles:

  • list of celebrity death match episodes (black text on black background in episode descriptions )
  • list of secret world of Alex Mack episodes (white text on white background in headers)
  • west wing (season 7) episodes section (black text on black background in headers)
  • for Matt Davidson, should his name in the info box be white (this seems to transcribe over to most athlete pages universally)
  • Francisco lindor, there’s a “medals” in that infographic that’s similarly obscured
  • Francisco lindor, the info box is missing the theming for the sub-boxes, in this case blue and orange
  • Andy Ashby has a lot of obscured black text in that info box in dark mode
  • nolan Ryan, the hall of fame section of the top info box has some theming issues
  • Nate mcmilllan; his coaching record table, the legend has white text on white background and is hence obscured in dark mode as well
  • baker mayfield career statistics section, table header text obscured
  • Maria Andrejczyk, the 2nd and 3rd instance of “javelin throw” is completely hidden in the top info box, only the first instance appears as it’s hyperlinked
  • Mars Volta discography page summary table has issues in dark mode with white text displaying clearly

Previous description for context

From email:

I've been using the Wikipedia Android app for a while and I've been noticing an issue lately.

Basically, whenever I'm on a page with a chart, say for example if it's an article about a TV show and there's a chart for the list of episodes, I'm noticing some of the next is hard to read. Its basically showing white text on a white background.

This is happening on multiple Android phones even using the latest app version and Android 11.

See attached screenshots, the titles of the episodes are unreadable. Its only readable when a piece of text is hyperlinked to another page.

Even if I change to the darker dark node, same thing.

Maybe there's someway of making that text or background in charts like that to grey or same as the dark node colour?

Screenshot_20210603-095055.png (2×1 px, 228 KB)

Screenshot_20210603-095049.png (2×1 px, 99 KB)

Screenshot_20210603-095636.png (2×1 px, 57 KB)

Screenshot_20210603-095512.png (2×1 px, 114 KB)

Possibly related to (although this is apparently happening in all themes)

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@MSantos, are some of these items being fixed article-by-article, one by one, rather than being addressed with a more universal approach?

Months ago I reported ted lasso had black text on black background for summary descriptions and that was fixed

But I also raised yesterday that celebrity death match has the same issue (first checkbox above)

Now that was fixed

I specifically kept a reserve, though, of other articles with the same issue and all the others are still broke. Just to see if the overarching issue is being addressed or if these are simply one-off patches

If they are indeed being fixed one-by-one that does not sound optimal as it requires us to report them every single time rather than an overarching fix.

Hi! I went through this checklist. Here is my summary:

list of celebrity death match episodes (black text on black background in episode descriptions )

Same as west wing (season 7) episodes section (black text on black background in headers), issue with template adjustment.

list of secret world of Alex Mack episodes (white text on white background in headers)

Same as Maria Andrejczyk, the 2nd and 3rd instance of “javelin throw” is completely hidden in the top info box, only the first instance appears as it’s hyperlinked. Style was overriden in mobileapps,

west wing (season 7) episodes section (black text on black background in headers)

This issue appeared while importing into article. Just need to remove |background=#000000 from the template settings while editing the article.
Template doc:

for Matt Davidson, should his name in the info box be white (this seems to transcribe over to most athlete pages universally)

Issue inside this css rule: .pcs-theme-dark :not(.notheme) span:not(.notheme)
I think, it is better to add specific class (or even style logic) inside Template to handle different text colors in heading
More information about this template here -

Francisco lindor, there’s a “medals” in that infographic that’s similarly obscured
Francisco lindor, the info box is missing the theming for the sub-boxes, in this case blue and orange

Orange color is missing because of the css rule for dark/black theme in mobileapps
'Medals' heading probably should have specific class name in the Template because it is impossible to intercept this particular element on mobileapps level without consequences for other similar articles
This template uses Module:Infobox, Module:InfoboxImage, Module:Check for unknown parameters

Andy Ashby has a lot of obscured black text in that info box in dark mode

Elements with the issue receives class notheme. I'd rather add a specific inline style of a class in Template:Infobox_baseball_biography

Nolan Ryan, the hall of fame section of the top info box has some theming issues

Class infobox-header has been overriden in mobieapp. However, such kind of headers can have a different background, so it's more appropriate to handle an inner text color inside template

Nate mcmilllan; his coaching record table, the legend has white text on white background and is hence obscured in dark mode as well

Inline style in <td style="background-color: #F2F2F2; border: 1px solid black; width:50px; text-align:center;">G</td> comes from Template. Need to add some class name to these elements to handle them on mobile html
Template example -

baker mayfield career statistics section, table header text obscured

Checked 'Overall recruiting rankings' area. I can fix this by intercepting plainlist class. However, there is an inline background style there. Probably it is not a good idea to override it.
I think it is also a template-level issue.
Template source code:
Check style="font-size:85%; background:#F5F5F5;" code there

Maria Andrejczyk, the 2nd and 3rd instance of “javelin throw” is completely hidden in the top info box, only the first instance appears as it’s hyperlinked

Issue caused by these classes .pcs-theme-black :not(.notheme) .pcs-collapse-table-container td:not(.notheme), .pcs-theme-dark :not(.notheme) .pcs-collapse-table-container td:not(.notheme) which we added in order to highlight text inside dark table cells.

Mars Volta discography page summary table has issues in dark mode with white text displaying clearly

Haven't reproduce the issue, probably all OK. Provide a screenshot, please.

My conclusion is that most of the dark theme issues lies inside inconsistent template's behavior. For example Template:Episode table can have arbitrary heading background color ( same for Template:Infobox_baseball_biography ) which can cause difficulties to handle them in mobileapps. Also, some article editors don't pay attention to the template settings and color preferences while adding a template into an article (because they create them in the desktop version with the white background). Maybe some templates should be more restrictive for styling.

cc: @MSantos , @Ijm8710


417F7BC3-6261-404A-A8BB-E7ED18BDD8FE.png (2×1 px, 1 MB)
, attaching image for Mars Volta as requested (it was a separate wiki for their discography apart from their main artist page)

The commentary on the lindor example has me curious. Why would that be any different from say “Tom Brady” who is in fact themed fine in dark mode?

I’m also curious if there are ways to address some examples more in unison rather than template by template. For example here is hard to read white text for Novak djokovic

FD61075B-A667-4BEA-B1D5-001545A56BF2.png (2×1 px, 476 KB)
. The issue seems similar to the Mars Volta example but clearly adjusting discography for musicians is a different template from tennis players.

For example when you say “I think, it is better to add specific class (or even style logic) inside Template to handle different text colors in heading” you mentioned that for the episode_table template but couldn’t that logic apply across the board to all times text appears with certain header backgrounds? Perhaps I am oversimplifying

Don’t want to jump the gun, but I’d be curious to see which of these mean they can/which are unlikely to be improved. The more universal they are, the more I’d hope they can as pages like those for athlete templates are pretty wide-ranging


attaching image for Mars Volta as requested

Yes, now I see it. Correct link is Issue the same as in Maria Andrejczyk article.

Don’t want to jump the gun, but I’d be curious which of these mean they can/are unlikely to be improved. The more universal they are, the more I’d hope they can be like those affecting most athlete pages across the board

I think we need to prepare a list of these templates and then discuss about style issues with their authors

The commentary on the lindor example has me curious. Why would that be any different from say “Tom Brady” who is themed in dark mode?

Because they utilize different templates. Francisco Lindor uses Infobox baseball biography and Tom Brady Infobox NFL biography

For example when you say “I think, it is better to add specific class (or even style logic) inside Template to handle different text colors in heading” you mentioned that for the episode_table template but couldn’t that logic apply across the board to all times text appears with certain header backgrounds? Perhaps I am oversimplifying

Usually, these headers have predefined inline styles and no class to hook on it in mobileapps. Also, table structure may vary depending on template which make impossible to create a common rule for all of them.

Thanks @vadim-kovalenko

The one last thing I’ll say (this is more subjective), since you pointed out how the templates are unique, is that I do like how the theming works for NBA and NFL players more than how it is for MLB where the theming applies to the succeeding headers as opposed to the titular athlete name box

It looks a lot cleaner, especially with how it incorporates dual colors (ie the laker purple and gold for Lebron James/the packer green and gold for Aaron rodgers); it seems the MLB template instead uses a singular background theme for that one box as the secondary color is lost when you lose the theming in dark mode for the succeeding boxes

The benefit of converging the MLB template style to the other two is it may fix two issues at once (as the name box will be default grey background-see first bullet below)

-for Matt Davidson, should his name in the info box be white (this seems to transcribe over to most athlete pages universally)
-Francisco lindor, the info box is missing the theming for the sub-boxes, in this case blue and orange

@MSantos @vadim-kovalenko, I’m still very confused why it appears some of these articles are being fixed. But only as one offs and tons of other errored articles remain. Wouldn’t fixing the templates improve them in bulk? What makes them unique?

Examples of what I mean:

Template:Episode_table issues
Fixed: list of secret word of alex Mack episodes, list of celebrity death match episodes
Still broken: list of walker Texas ranger episodes

Fixesd: Andy Ashby
Still broken: Joel peralta

I’m providing these examples to universally improve the templates. I really don’t want to keep having to dig and find more examples as I’m providing them for bulk improvement, not one-off fixes. It’s very rare I revisit these specific random articles. But it’s extremely likely I’ll revisit pages that use them templates almost every day.

@Ijm8710 I didn't have time to take a deep look into it, but it could be just cache being refreshed slowly.

This comment was removed by Ijm8710.

@MSantos just checked the wmflabs preview pages and perhaps you’re right (if so my apologies). Was just surprising as it always appears the examples I provide are fixed ahead of the other examples that are identical. But perhaps vadim or whomever is fixing it is fastracking those examples leading to me jumping the gun🤷‍♂️

Hi @Izno! As per discussion here and this thread (check 'Calculate text color automatically depending of the table header background color' there), could you assist with Template_talk:Episode_table issue?

Regarding infoboxes: Infoboxes 'natively' support TemplateStyles (well, besides the core styles) since a month or two ago on EN.WP, so the related inline styles can be moved over to TemplateStyles and then "you" (where you is the app authors?) can just override the related classes (which are also live e.g. now it's not just generic .infobox th that you can target [and shouldn't, for infobox won't be a table forever], it's .infobox-label) in the general in dark modes. (Usually it's just headings from what I've seen, but hey, you can be more particular if you want.) A bot may be able to do it faster if someone wanted to put one together and I've had it in mind to request one, but just haven't gotten around to it.

Regarding classes elsewhere: I work on them when I see them and fancy strikes. I don't know of any coordinating place to work on making pages mobile-friendly (which is tangential but does hit one of the points, "use a single root element"). Lots of legacy to go around and it Just Works for editors (predominantly on desktop, etc. etc.), so things don't change fast...

Regarding limiting the colors (cc @Gonnym):

Is it possible to add some logic for style calculation of the table header or restrict styling of these elements? For dark/black themes in iOS/Android might happen issue with colors overlap like in this example (check Episodes section) - Additional details - VadimKovalenkoSNF (talk) 08:23, 6 September 2021 (UTC)

Restricting styling isn't going to fly because now you've got contrast requirements for most people (using a light skin) on one side and contrast for a very few (using a dark skin in the apps [alone]) on the other, and that requirement sandwich is not a good one. (Ever moderated a Discord server? It's like trying to get user name colors happy for both light and dark skins, something I kvetch about regularly.) That's even ignoring user desire to set their own colors. (I think T37704 should be declined for that reason alone even if I would personally be happy to see inline colors removed.)

It's not obvious to me where the burden should be to support dark themes, especially as dark themes are not in core or even in a MediaWiki extension (e.g. T122924. It's a pity CommTech punted on T26070 or wherever their version of that was - y'all need to get your shit together given you have an app that needs to care about such things already! 😄). Accordingly, I disagree that "fix the template to do fewer colors" is the correct solution.

The solution probably ultimately requires inline colors to be inverted, prefers-color-schemed, or be inherited, I just don't know where, and whether it's in pure CSS or possibly also in JavaScript or even (since you are dealing with the app) in PHP/something app-side. Some you + me holding hands options (and there may be others):

  1. There could be support in core or in the app for a class on body or html to hook on to indicate it's being viewed in a dark theme.
    1. Subsequently requires template authors to convert templates to use TemplateStyles and subsequently to know and style for that.
    2. Probably needs wide consensus because as a template author I want the name to be stable and that approach to be the preferred approach.
  2. There could be a generic class like current nomobile to indicate a certain element has been marked up with background colors that should instead have its styles be inverted, prefers-color-schemed, or be inherited (obviously with a dose of !important).
    1. This requires template authors to convert templates to calculate colors issues. Maybe a similar mountain to deal with to 1.
    2. May need a similar consensus to 1.
  3. Something like T200632 gets done.
    1. Same issues.

Separate to all those 3, you still have arbitrary uses of color in the wild you need to support that don't involve templates, so even if one of those gets picked, you need to figure out a way in the app to deal with the problem. (And once you've done that, there's no forcing function to implement any of those.) Hence my mention above that it could be app-side. There 0 reason that I can see that the app can't be the system responsible for inverting/stripping the colors of interest.

This issue is fundamentally one for MediaWiki-Core-Skin-Architecture or some other technical body to fix and/or provide direction on IMO. That direction may have already been provided somewhere among all of those linked tasks or maybe on MediaWiki wiki or Wikitech. I don't know. I do know the issue has continued to be kicked down the road, which is why you're stuck dealing with it. Maybe @Volker_E or @Jdlrobson knows something more or has feedback to give on some of those options.

Finally, regarding the episode table itself, it particularly has a class already today, though I hate the name (it's wikiepisodetable). That might get changed...

@MSantos, wanted to circle back just once more please on Infobox baseball biography vs Infobox NFL biography please.

nfl bio (see Aaron Rodgers):
both light and dark work great for top infobox👌

baseball bio (see Ronald acuna jr):
light works well, but dark doesn’t carry the themes the same way

I asked why for baseball bio in dark mode, his name box does get themed in a blue box, but the subboxes below that such as “mlb statistics (through 2021 season)” remain unthemed and vadim said this is because the templates are different

They are, but this makes little sense to me as those same subboxes theme fine for both light and dark theme for nba and nfl.

If the app can theme the subboxes in both light/dark themes for nfl/nba…
and if those subboxes are indeed themed fine in light mode for mlb…
why is it blocked out for being themed in dark mode for mlb?

It’s not as if the template itself doesn’t theme them at all and hence that’s why there’s no theming. It’s just only rendering in light while the other sports can have the render carry over

Unifying the styling of mlb templates to handle similary to nba/nfl would also have a secondary benefit so that Ronald acunas name remains readable in his top name box as well

A user reported an issue with dark/black themes on this article:

Screenshot_20211129-112054.jpg (2×1 px, 554 KB)

Another place you can see this problem is on tennis scoreboards. For example on, here is what the results tables look like on one of the light themes, vs one of the dark themes.

Screenshot_20220120-235534.jpg (1×720 px, 158 KB)
Screenshot_20220120-235551.jpg (1×720 px, 124 KB)

Another report from Android email, including this screenshot:

Screenshot_20220303-222401.png (1×864 px, 277 KB)

Another report from Android email -

If you use the dark theme in the Wikipedia Android App, the text in info boxes (such as "quick facts") is not readable. It looks like white text on white background is used. It is possible to mark the invisible text and it can be seen then. If you look at an article of a band for example the left column is readable (Singer, guitarist and so on). But the right column is invisible. If one of the members has his own wiki article, the name is readable because it's blue (link).If you use another theme in the app, the issue is not present.This is reproducible with different android phones, but not on every article. Take the article for the band sylosis for example. If you take a look at the English article, everything is fine:

The German article however has the described issue:

From the german article

Screenshot_20220318-092821.jpg (2×1 px, 270 KB)

Another report from an Android user

Mathematical text written with "<math display=block></math>" are rendered black regardless of the chosen theme, making them difficult to read in Dark mode and invisible in Black mode. Additionally, math written with "<math></math>", are rendered grey in Dark/Black mode when Image Dimming is enabled despite not (semantically) being images. I believe this is related to issues T268279 and T255038.

MathDisplayBlackDim.png (1×1 px, 326 KB)

MathDisplayLight.png (1×1 px, 329 KB)

MathDisplayDark.png (1×1 px, 348 KB)

MathDisylayBlackNoDim.png (1×1 px, 366 KB)

Another report
From Znuny:;TicketID=12145096

Hello, I noticed an issue: if I use Wikipedia app in dark mode some images like this signature are not visible. They’re just black like the background. See this screenshot for details.

image0.jpg (640×371 px, 70 KB)

Realized this task is not connected to which collects many related issues.

Report from Android user:

The first screenshot is of the white theme which allows you to see the text written in black. Whereas the second screenshot viewing the black theme makes it impossible to see the text within the third row table. Thank you for your time.

Android version: 12
Wikipedia version: 2.7.50399-r-2022-04-04

Screenshot_20220502-202340_Wikipedia.jpg (2×1 px, 695 KB)

Screenshot_20220502-202431_Wikipedia.jpg (2×1 px, 604 KB)

Report from an android user:

Latex renders are not themed causing them to be nearly unreadable in the dark theme and unreadable in the black theme. Other diagrams are also affected however the user has the option to expand the image which puts it againts a white background. Potential solutions include:

  • Adding alternative variants with alternative foreground colors.
  • Applying a filter on the client to change the foreground color.
  • Rendering the latex or SVG diagram on user with the user selected foreground color.

@MSantos what is the status on all this? I have been completely mum on this for an entire year (though the issue has stretched closer to 2). And the issue is no better. At one point you guys hoped editors would take it into their hands to better style, but you can’t lelave it up to them, most don’t notice those things and I’d say it’s more often than not that headers are completely unreadable in dark mode. Is there any plan whatsoever to have any relief/hope for this ever to improve? If anything, it’s only gotten worse for most templates.

Dbrant renamed this task from Investigate texts hard to read on dark themes in mobile Apps to Tables have incorrect/unreadable appearance in dark mode because of explicit background-color..Dec 9 2022, 5:08 PM
Dbrant updated the task description. (Show Details)

(I updated the description of this task to serve as more of a tracking task. There was recently a patch that resolved a subset of issues with table backgrounds (T264474) but there are still plenty of remaining cases, and I hope the explanation in the description helps going forward.)

@MSantos / @Jgiannelos: This task was moved to the "Sign off" column a year ago. Should this task be resolved instead? If so, please update the task status (via Add Action...Change Status in the dropdown menu). Thanks.

@Seddon @Dbrant a sister task was filed on this in 2020. It’s 2023 and the issue is no better but the task has been marked resolved. I’ve said repeatedly it’s no better and just met with silence. Please, is there any chance to check in

Any issues with article content in dark mode, need to be fixed on wiki. A page now exists to help guide editors on how to do this.

If there are specific problems with the dark mode version of pages in the app please feel free to report them on the talk page, and I'll help fix them and update the documentation where needed.

@Jdlrobson @Seddon can you please please elaborate upon this. This has been such a longstanding issue. I was filing tickets on this back in 2019 and put a ton of time on this working with @Art.tsymbar @MSantos @vadim-kovalenko @JMinor

Seddon this is very different from what you stated earlier.

Part of the issue is a ton ton of articles still have so many issues on this and have not even made incremental efforts to get better. Leaving this in the hands of editors will just stagnate the issue. They haven’t cared thus far.

I’ve pleaded for a way to have a high level logic to it. If the background is super dark, go white text and vice versa with black text. It’s not 100% foolproof but would lead us in a much better spot. Seems like you’re just ignoring it, passing the buck rather than dealing with the headache of trying to get it to a better place.

I’ve tried following up for months hopelessly only to be met with silence. Would love to connect by email or even better by a quick 15 minute zoom/teams but please at least provide a bit more info on this as this doesn’t seem right and the issue is still so prevalent.

@Ijm8710 this is an on-wiki issue. Per my invite please let's discuss specific issues on the talk page. Please be sure to provide links to specific pages which are not working. My team is looking at dark mode for web this year so we'll be taking a holistic approach that benefits the entire platform, not just apps.

@Jdlrobson to mention a talk page is ridiculous and so insincere. You’ll see ton of unresolved items relating to this on this and a few of the other open tickets which you are needlessly closing. Examples have already been aggravated. If you’re sincere about working with the editors then why are almost all of the major templates still in the same place they’ve been for 3-4 years.

Most apply to
The major sports templates for athletes, albums, TV shows and movies.

And this ticket was opened for articles not wiki so why close it then if it’s unresolved

Lastly you say it’s an effort now but that’s what they’ve kept saying for years as different pms take over. It’s never gotten better besides a few small changes by vadim

Essentially if you want examples on an article level simply look at the top of the very ticket you’re choosing to close. Many of the examples have already been aggregated for you!!!! @Jdlrobson

@MSantos already copied many of my examples up top that I compiled. And they already have specific examples for each type of issue (as of course an issue on one athlete affects all similar templates across the board). Everything you’re asking for has been there for years.

Any issues with article content in dark mode, need to be fixed on wiki. A page now exists to help guide editors on how to do this.

Hmm, having two classes notheme and mw-no-invert doing similar things isn't great. Based on codesearch I think I get what they're doing, but when to use one versus the other should be somewhere on that page.

this is an on-wiki issue

As for this, I reject the assertion in the general (not the specific case of templates) per my pretty lengthy comment above, particularly the paragraph starting from

Separate to all those 3

JTannerWMF subscribed.

I checked in with @Jgiannelos and we agreed it made sense to reopen the ticket. It is still very much an issue. Content Transform may not be the right team to fix it now. It might actually be the MediaWiki team, I will send them a note but still adding Content Transform so that they can track it.

MSantos added a project: Page Content Service.
MSantos moved this task from Backlog to Tracking on the Content-Transform-Team board.
MSantos subscribed.