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mobileview "thumbwidth" parameter doesn't always result in return of desired image url for SVG files
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points



The "thumbwidth" parameter was added to mobileview to let us request the url for a size variant of an image bound by a certain width. i.e. say we want a 640px wide version of an image regardless of its height, such as for "lead" images. (Previously only "thumbsize" was available and it restricted *both* height and width.)

Anyway, the expected behavior is that thumbwidth set to, say 640, would get us the url to the size variant of the image closest to, but not exceeding, 640 in width, regardless of its height.

However, it appears that, for some images, a lower resolution variant url is returned:

Bug Example:


"thumb": {
     "url": "//",
     "width": 103,
     "height": 94

What I would expect it to return is the following url for the 640 width variant:

"thumb": {
     "url": "//",
     "width": 640,
     "height": 584

The results of this specific example (click on the image to see how bad it looks when you expect a 640 width but instead get a 103 width):

Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 5.18.52 PM.png (986×592 px, 275 KB)

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Event Timeline

Mhurd assigned this task to MaxSem.
Mhurd raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Mhurd updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mhurd added a project: MobileFrontend.
Mhurd subscribed.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Basically it looks like it's returning a url for a size variant which doesn't exceed thumbwidth, but not necessarily the size variant closest-to-and-not-exceeding thumbwidth.

Mhurd set Security to None.

Another example showcasing the bug:

     "width": 88,
     "height": 106

Oh interesting! It may be only happening for SVG images... can you confirm @MaxSem ?

Mhurd updated the task description. (Show Details)
phuedx removed MaxSem as the assignee of this task.May 8 2015, 7:38 AM

Thanks for all of the detail @Mhurd. What's the priority of this bug on your side? I'd like to put this through the normal Web-Team-Backlog process and knowing if it needs to be fixed sharpish would help.

Hey @phuedx, I'd say it's medium to high priority.

Mhurd updated the task description. (Show Details)

@BGerstle-WMF @Fjalapeno

Hey guys didn't realize you weren't tagged on this. I added a screen shot.

There is a dupe of this card in iOS sprint 59:

I recommend we close that ticket and instead pull this one into sprint 59. Let's do this thing :)

@JKatzWMF here's a ticket that will improve some upstream bits :)

I'm recommending we pull this into the next iOS sprint and work with whoever to make it happen.

@Mhurd does this impact android as well? This seems like a reasonable thing to work on, but I think prioritization for this falls in the hands of @Fjalapeno, @Dbrant and @phuedx : TechPMs let me know if you want to discuss prioritization.

Is this limited to SVGS? I see the width and height being returned is the preview size on

Jhernandez subscribed.

Going to have a good look at this next sprint.

@Mhurd can you help @Jdlrobson ^ and confirm it only happens with svgs? Thanks!


Ah you're right, it's returning the first, lowest resolution preview size! The problem is it's ignoring the requested thumbwidth parameter. I believe the desired behavior is for it to return the preview size closest to (but not exceeding) the requested thumbwidth.

In the example in the ticket description, a thumbwidth of 640 is sought. So the "526 × 480 pixels" variant would be the closest match, not the "103 × 94 pixels" variant it's presently returning.

In mean time this could be worked around like so:

  • If SVG..
    • take height / width to get ratio e.g. h / w = 106 / 88 = 1.204...
    • Multiply desired width by ratio to get height e.g. 640 * ratio = 771px

@bmansurov any findings from your time on this bug? No matter how small they might be enlightening - even if they are "this is hard" :)

@Jdlrobson, I haven't been able to get the API return a thumbnail of an SVG yet. I may have time to investigate more today.

bmansurov subscribed.

Feel free to pick the card up if anyone has bandwidth.

jhobs added subscribers: JMinor, jhobs.

@JMinor Can you escalate this to high if this needs attention from the web team (or comment on its relative priority)?

Jdlrobson renamed this task from mobileview "thumbwidth" parameter doesn't always result in return of desired image url to mobileview "thumbwidth" parameter doesn't always result in return of desired image url for SVG files.Nov 24 2016, 7:26 PM

While I tend to agree that this is a bug, I think the thumb request API logic is working as expected: when a thumb of width greater than the original image size is requested, a link is returned for the file at the original dimensions. Here, the original (nominal) dimensions are 103px by 94px,[1] so that's what it returns dimensions and a link for. (Request a smaller size, and you'll see that the specified size is honored.[2])

For most file formats, that's what we want, because the thumbnailing engine won't render a thumbnail larger than the original.[3] However, SVGs are exceptional because they can be scaled arbitrarily, which the thumbnailing engine will in fact do for us.[4]

So I think the real fix is to create an exception for SVGs to the rule that the API won't return thumbnail results for a size larger than the original, and instead return results for arbitrarily large sizes for SVGs (within some reasonable limit). This would probably have to happen somewhere in MW core, where I think the core scaling logic lives. In the meantime I agree with @Jdlrobson that we could work around this on the client by detecting when we're dealing with an SVG and rewriting the size in the URL to whatever we want in that case.


Upon further investigation, this isn't getting constrained in MW core, but actually by this bit of logic in MobileFrontend:

In Monte's query in the description, for example, there's no thumbheight specified, so a height of 94px is getting set based on the (nominal) height of the original, and that value's then constraining the overall size when the thumbnail is generated. Omit adding these constraints and MediaWiki will happily give us a thumb and URL for any* size we specify for an SVG.

It would be easy to just add a check to skip adding these constraints based on the original file dimensions when $file->getMimeType() === "image/svg", but is there any reason to add these constraints in MobileFrontend at all rather than simply relying on the normalization logic in MW core?

*(subject to any maximum set in the global variable $wgSVGMaxSize)

Change 334791 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mholloway):
Don't constrain SVG thumb requests based on the original file size

Change 334791 merged by jenkins-bot:
Don't constrain SVG thumb requests based on the original file size

phuedx set the point value for this task to 2.

2 story points for the review and testing (see rEMFR156bfe8aa9be: Don't constrain SVG thumb requests based on the original file size for detail).

Wikipedia logo at 640px wide is returning

    "mobileview": {
        "thumb": {
            "url": "",
            "width": 640,
            "height": 584
        "sections": []

Wikipedia logo at 80px wide is returning

    "mobileview": {
        "thumb": {
            "url": "",
            "width": 80,
            "height": 73
        "sections": []

Wikipedia logo at 103px wide (original size) is returning

    "mobileview": {
        "thumb": {
            "url": "",
            "width": 103,
            "height": 94
        "sections": []