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Allow uploading of 3D files to Wikimedia Commons
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Mar 31 2005, 2:46 PM
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(Note: in the final implementation of this task, 3D ext supports .stl files not .blend as proposed here; see T187867 for later proposal to add .blend support.)

Please allow registered users to upload .blend files to the commons. I would
like to start a repository of Blender 3D resources including .blend files for
public use and for use with certain Blender 3D wiki projects, such as .

Perhaps create a new type, instead of just Images and Sound, add Source Files,
or maybe Sources?

This card tracks a proposal from the 2015 Community Wishlist Survey:

This proposal received 56 support votes, and was ranked #11 out of 107 proposals.

This proposals received 33 support votes, and was ranked #33 out of 256 proposals in the Community-Wishlist-Survey-2016. View full proposal and discussion here.



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Via the weekly community digest I discovered today the existence of MediaWiki-extensions-StlHandler / R1904. Don’t think it had been mentioned on this thread before (besides the mention in T134005)

Any updates on this task? Would this be suitable for GSoC or Outreachy? We are currently recruiting projects and mentors for May-Aug 2017.

Any updates on this task? Would this be suitable for GSoC or Outreachy? We are currently recruiting projects and mentors for May-Aug 2017.

T132058: 3d extension supporting STL (3d printing files) is mostly complete, and will mean the main request here is Resolved, so no, I don't think it'd be a good fit.

Any updates on this task? Would this be suitable for GSoC or Outreachy? We are currently recruiting projects and mentors for May-Aug 2017.

T132058: 3d extension supporting STL (3d printing files) is mostly complete, and will mean the main request here is Resolved, so no, I don't think it'd be a good fit.

Perhaps extending the supported formats to OBJ could be a possible task for GSoC or Outreachy, then? I listed some advantages of this format in T145502.

Perhaps extending the supported formats to OBJ could be a possible task for GSoC or Outreachy, then? I listed some advantages of this format in T145502.

Definitely (but not as this task), or for PLY files.

Note that X3D or other file formats which embed textures/etc. would be blocked by T131723: Provide a mechanism to sanitise user-generated non-STL 3D files to meet security requirements, which is probably worthy of a PhD.

dr0ptp4kt raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.May 8 2017, 3:29 PM

@dr0ptp4kt Setting priority is in general a very sensitive action, and should always reflect the actual reality, not just cause it. So what's the reason that you believe that someone is working on this?

@Liuxinyu970226: See the quarterly check-in slides of WMF's Editing Team and the subtasks recently added. Priority does reflect the reality of planning here.

@Liuxinyu970226, thank you for your message. The Multimedia team (which only recently moved into Reading) is carrying over its work from Q3 FY 2016-2017 (January - March 2017) on 3D to Q4 FY 2016-2017 (April - June 2017). Refer to for further information.

Do note the initial supported file format for the feature is .stl. I can't fairly comment on support for additional file formats in the future, but did just want to draw attention to the file format for the initial planned release, as the description and comments on this task discuss multiple file formats.

In general, priority changes made by the Director of Engineering at Reading to a task owned by one of the Reading department teams can probably be assumed to be authoritative :)

To be fair, I do make mistakes sometimes when updating tasks! That said, in this case, yes, we're good on the Normal priority - we're excited to be working on 3D support!

A most important task! thanks for working on this.

Since thousands of communities manage to allow uploading of lots of file formats that haven't passed our security review, perhaps there are creative technical solutions that allow for wiki communities to wait until problems arise before solving all of them. For instance:

  • Having a separate server handly files with not-fully-sanitized extensions
  • Displaying not-fully-sanitized files with a different background color or other indicator that it may deserve checking for safety
  • Increasing requirements for the upload workflow, before uploaded files are available to readers for viewing/download (greater reputation requirement; requiring a file-reviewer to touch/approve the upload)
MarkTraceur raised the priority of this task from Medium to Needs Triage.Sep 7 2017, 4:15 PM
MarkTraceur moved this task from Doing to Desired epics on the Multimedia board.
  • Displaying not-fully-sanitized files with a different background color or other indicator that it may deserve checking for safety

This already happens on Commons with PDFs--there is an automatic warning sign.

  • Increasing requirements for the upload workflow, before uploaded files are available to readers for viewing/download (greater reputation requirement; requiring a file-reviewer to touch/approve the upload)

Between advanced user rights and an edit filter tag, I think this would solve 99% of the problems.

Hello! I don't know if this is exactly the same thing, but we are thinking on buying this: so we can do some photos of students' made architecture models for our education program. We could do a video of the object rotating, but it would be greater to have something that can be moved by hand.

Would it work sometime in the future? Or is a nonsense to even try to do it now?


@Theklan it seems that that technology doesn't create true 3D objects.. Just a series of images Example:

The particular feature discussed in this ticket deals with 3d objects such as used for 3D printers.

While we have several tickets related to 3D panoramas and related photography based techniques, none of those are currently planned to be worked on any time soon, and I'm not sure this technique is a standardised one that would fit into those tickets either.

Thanks @TheDJ... so maybe a video or a gif would work better!

TheDJ claimed this task.

As there is now a blogpost on this, I'm calling it resolved.

Any follow up problems or expanding upon the featureset should filed as separate tickets on the 3D project.

Note that .blend files are not allowed at the moment, only .stl

I have tried to insert it in an article, but I couldn't get it right:

Theklan, the 3D extension isn't enabled on any other wikis yet. I have also inserted a couple but they don't render (yet).

It would be interesting to note it on the blog!

It could be good to talk with FreeCAD community, for any kind of collaboration, like supporting their 3D file format (FCStd)

I posted in their forum about this although I didnt get feedaback:

only in this aside conversation:

It could be good to talk with FreeCAD community, for any kind of collaboration, like supporting their 3D file format (FCStd)

I posted in their forum about this although I didnt get feedaback:

only in this aside conversation:

I suggest an easier to achieve approach is to focus support on .OBJ, it is very widely used and supported, acting as an intermediary format between many proprietary formats. 3D is not like 2D in terms of file formats, there are 10s of successful commercial software packages each producing their own formats, the equivalent would be 20 different versions of Photoshop, equally as popular, who couldn't open each other's files. I'm not aware of any widely used 3D modelling software packages that can't open and save .OBJ. if we want 3D to be successful we need to have support for file format everyone is familiar with and can create.