We need to define a set of colors that will be used in dark mode. List of colors doesn't need to be final just something to get us started.
- Add a color palette to T354889
We need to define a set of colors that will be used in dark mode. List of colors doesn't need to be final just something to get us started.
cc @DTorsani-WMF This ticket is a placeholder colour palette to unblock dev and so we can go find edge cases.
Color: Standard
@color-base: 202122
@color-subtle: 54595d
@color-link: 36c
@color-placeholder: 72777d
@color-emphasized: 000
@color-progressive: 36c
@color-destructive: d73333
@color-progressive--hover: 447ff5
@background-color-base: fff
@background-color-secondary: ??
@background-color-secondary--modern: ??
@color-visited: 6b4ba1
Color: Night
@color-base: #EAECF0 gray200
@color-subtle: #C8CCD1 gray300
@color-link: #6699FF blue300
@color-link-new: #6699FF blue300
@color-link-selected: #94B8FF
@color-placeholder: #A2A9B1 gray400
@color-emphasized: #FFFFFF
@color-progressive: #6699FF blue300
@color-destructive: #FF4242 red500
@color-progressive--hover: #94B8FF
@background-color-base: #202122 gray700
@background-color-secondary: #2E3136 gray675
@background-color-secondary--modern: #202122 gray700
@color-visited: #9781BD
To start, I mostly used colours from the Android dark mode palette with the addition of a new visited link colour.
Could we also add underlines to all links?
text-decoration: underline; everywhere and then
For standard and small sizes:
text-underline-offset: 4px;
For large sizes:
text-underline-offset: 6px;