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Create a VisualEditor plugin tool to add/edit translations and translation variables (Translate extension)
Open, MediumPublicFeature


<translate>…</translate> and the related <tvar>…</tvar> are currently un-parsed and shown as plain wikitext in VisualEditor because they're not recognised, per T50891; however, once that is fixed, the blocks won't be editable except as alien nodes (in wikitext), and won't be createable.

Making a proper VisualEditor plugin to translate these in-page as a rich editor shouldn't be particularly hard (he says…).



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ResolvedBUG REPORTihurbain
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ResolvedBUG REPORTihurbain
ResolvedBUG REPORTArlolra
ResolvedBUG REPORTihurbain
ResolvedBUG REPORTmatmarex

Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 2:05 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz53974.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

pankaj10it45 wrote:

Hello,I want to work on this bug.Can you tell me what exactly it is?
Thank you.

Pankaj: This bug depends on fixing bug 48891 first (see the "Depends on" field). If something is unclear with comment 0, please explain what is unclear and why. Also see [[mw:Annoying little bugs]].

Is it true that parsoid has limitations parsing tags other than "normal parser tags". If yes what are they & why ? I want to make a plugin for VE to embed translate extension as mentioned above. Cant i include my own grammar for parser to do stuffs way i want.?

Wikimedia will apply to Google Summer of Code and Outreachy on Tuesday, February 17. If you want this task to become a featured project idea, please follow these instructions.

If there is no interest / critical mentoring mass to promote this project for GSoC / Outreachy, then maybe the current "Normal" priority should be lower?

If there is no interest / critical mentoring mass to promote this project for GSoC / Outreachy, then maybe the current "Normal" priority should be lower?

It's not a matter of priority, see blockers: this is blocked on a stalled bug.

In T55974#2084495, @Micru wrote:

I see that the stalled bug has been marked as resolved, Could this task become a GsoC project?

Eventually, yes; however this was missing a few dependencies, T49344 chief amongst them. That work might not be done for another year or more.

Also, I don't think I could do this in two weeks, which suggests this is too big for GSoC.

I added this issue to MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group/TechConf Input:

Please add your endorsement if you like to make this issue more visible.

Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Feb 4 2022, 12:23 PM

No, there’s another “minor” caveat the blog post doesn’t mention: you can’t add new markup. The content can be edited, they can be deleted, even copied and pasted, but if there’s no <translate> or <tvar> tag on the page you edit, there’s no way to create them.

No, there’s another “minor” caveat the blog post doesn’t mention: you can’t add new markup. The content can be edited, they can be deleted, even copied and pasted, but if there’s no <translate> or <tvar> tag on the page you edit, there’s no way to create them.

Thanks for this info. Which task/subtask of this task cluster specifies the work (add new markup) that's still to be done?

I suppose this one, if we can call this a specification at all. I have the feeling that it was simply forgotten that translation syntax needs to be created, not only maintained…

I suppose this one, if we can call this a specification at all. I have the feeling that it was simply forgotten that translation syntax needs to be created, not only maintained…

Not forgotten. What has been done so far was a necessary first step and only provides a basic support. The Language team is exploring options how to continue working towards full support. This doesn't mean adding a button or two; we want to take a deeper look to figure out what would actually be a good user experience.